II layer – design, develop, and prototype one task class
6. Design the performance assessment for one class
Each task is also an assessment. If, for example, the students did not manage to solve a conventional task, you (ideally) should give them the task with more scaffolding (for example, a completion task). Nevertheless, you usually want to know whether the student did not manage the task and what exactly went wrong. For this, we need the scoring rubrics to be more specific in understating the students' progress. You can even give students the full list of rubrics at the beginning of the program! Then, they can see what they are striving for.

Also, you can make a task matrix to plan the assessment and to check whether all the skills are trained throughout the tasks.
Make a Task matrix.
Choose what set of skills you want to assess in each task. If your problem is small, then the whole skill hierarchy is the focus of each task. However, if your problem is big, only groups of skills can be the focus of each task. In such a case, a good practice is to show what group of skills are in focus in each task.
Design the scoring rubrics — the assessment form containing an indication of each aspect of the constituted skill to be assessed as a learning objective and a scale of values for each learning objective.

Formulate the learning objectives for the assessed skills. The learning objective is the specific statement describing acceptable performance standards. You can choose the formula you like. The authors suggest using the (1) verb that clearly reflects the desired action/performance/manifestation, and then adding the following standards:
  1. The conditions under which the skill should be involved;
  2. The description of the instruments and facilities used;
  3. The standards: criteria, attitudes, and values.

Formulate the achievement levels. The levels of reaching the learning objectives (For example, Needs Improvement, Developing, Sufficient, Above Average) and the description of each level's meaning. I suggest here to consider the two types of scales that correspond with two types of rubrics:

Holistic. I suggest considering the highest in hierarchy skill as a holistic learning objective. You can write for it the corresponding holistic rubric that could be used for a higher-level assessment of the student's whole work. Holistic rubrics usually include only the achievement scale for the all learning objective. It does not focus on each standard of the learning objective.

Analytic. When you go lower in the skill hierarchy, your learning objectives will be more specific, and thus, for them, you can design the analytic rubric. It means that the achievement levels should be described for each standard of the learning objective. While working with analytic rubrics, one will go deeper in analysing different aspects of the student's work. Of course, it will take more time.

Designing learning rubrics for the whole skill hierarchy could take a lot of time when your problem is big. You can start with those you plan to assess in the first task class. As you design the other classes, you will gradually upgrade the learning rubrics.
What we strive for:
Skill hierarchy
The assessment is based on the skills in which relations are defined and that correspond with authentic skills that are used for solving a real-life problem.
Performance objective
Each constituted skill is reformulated to specify what the learners must be able to do after the training, under which conditions they must be able to do it, which tools and objects they must use, and which standards apply for acceptable performance.
The criteria are written for each performance objective
The algorithm for 4C/ID model from my experience
I — Define and analyze the real-life problem to choose the appropriate task sequence.
1. Define the real-life problem's border and size
2. Define the problem's complexity conditions
3. Sequence the classes' conditions
II layer — Design, develop, and prototype one task class.
4. Create learning tasks for one class
5. Improve the skill hierarchy and design the other three components for one class
6. Design the performance assessment for one class
7. Plan the development and prototyping of one task class

III — Improve the four components for one class.
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